Large Cap Equity IRA Account Forms

Select One Please click on the application link which best describes you or your Institution.

(pdf 82kb)

AMF IRA Application

(pdf 44kb)

AMF Beneficiary Designation

(pdf 332kb)

Self-Directed Traditional IRA Custodial Plan Agreement & Disclosure

(pdf 284kb)

Self-Directed Inherited Traditional IRA Custodial Plan Agreement & Disclosure

(pdf 302kb)

Self-Directed Roth IRA Custodial Plan Agreement & Disclosure

(pdf 280kb)

Self-Directed Inherited Roth IRA Application, Plan Agreement & Disclosure

(pdf 66kb)

Coverdell Educational Savings Account Application

(pdf 132kb)

Coverdell ESA Custodial Agreement and Disclosure

Click on link and
save file or
right-click and select
("Save Target as")
to download.
Applications are presented in .PDF format. If you would like assistance determining which application is most appropriate for you or your institution, please contact us at (800) 247-9780.

Large Cap Equity IRA Rollover Forms

Select One Please click on the application link which best describes you or your Institution.

(pdf 70kb)

AMF IRA Transfer Rollover

(pdf 70kb)

Coverdell Rollover Education Savings Account Rollover Form

Click on link and
save file or
right-click and select
("Save Target as")
to download.
Applications are presented in .PDF format. If you would like assistance determining which application is most appropriate for you or your institution, please contact us at (800) 247-9780.

Large Cap Equity IRA Distribution Forms

Select One Please click on the application link which best describes you or your Institution.

(pdf 56kb)

AMF IRA Distribution

(pdf 53kb)

Coverdell Education Savings Account Distribution request

Click on link and
save file or
right-click and select
("Save Target as")
to download.
Applications are presented in .PDF format. If you would like assistance determining which application is most appropriate for you or your institution, please contact us at (800) 247-9780.

(If you do not have Acrobat Reader, please click on the button to download it now.)